Meandering Thoughts

Meandering Thoughts

Saturday, February 6, 2010

And The Snow Came.....

This morning is sit in awe of the beauty of the snow.  I have my coffee in hand and a good book.  I am distracted by the activity outside my picture window.  Through this window I can see the barns, the horses are happily eating last summers hay.  I can see my wonderful husband cleaning the snow off the cars, like I'm planning to go somewhere?  Not me, I'm going to be "snowed in" today and love every moment.

The most wonderful part about being snowbound is the joy I find in watching the birds.  As I look outside my big uncurtained windows, I notice that the pines nearby and the forsythia bushes are alive with activity and movement.  It's as if each are filled with little joyful ornaments.  Some are very colorful, some are more somber, but all are in motion.  They are part of the families of birds that come to my feeder today, looking for a sunflower seed to fill their tummies, keep them warm and sustain them during this snowy winter day.
The little Caroline wren, with her upright tail.  The many cardinals bring splashes of color to the white landscape.  So many little sparrows, the white crown, the song, the white-throated and slate colored juncos.
I see the darling little chickadees, the handsome tufted titmouse, and the beautiful gold finches.  A blue-jay stopped by to fill up on some seeds and the woodpeckers come to the suet that also hangs nearby.

Isn't it interesting that all of these birds come to the same feeders to eat.  They have no issues about one being different from the other.  They don't care that their colors aren't the same or that their songs different from one another.  They all live in harmony together at my feeders this cold and snowy winter day.  I am grateful for this lesson being taught by my feathered brothers and sisters.

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