My horse, Swift, was the love of my life. As I mentioned before, I would ride for hours at a time and no one ever wondered where I was or when I would be home. As often happens with teenagers, I found myself grounded now and again. Don't ask me why, that totally escapes me now, so really, how bad could it have been?
I remember how hard it was during my groundings, not to see my boyfriend. By the way, he is my husband of 40 years. Richard and I started dating in high school when I was a sophomore and he a senior.
We went to different schools, so we really only saw each other on the weekends. If a grounding occurred, it seemed like a long time before we could go on a date again.
This is where my trusty horse comes in! I could ride her to "secret" places and meet up with Richard. We once went to an old abandon building and another time we met at the back of a cemetery. Of course, those meetings were in broad daylight so it wasn't that scandalous. It was pretty daring for me, I would have been grounded much longer if I'd been caught. But, my faithful horse friend never told a soul!
Ah, and who said horses weren't romantics?