We always had critters on our farm and a small corn field. We raised hogs for more years than I can count. We also, of course, had a horse or two. Twice a year our six sows would have baby pigs and the cycle continued for years. Some years were good, with wonderful litters of healthy piggies and some were not. Usually the years we had great growing and plentiful pigs the market price for hogs was low. The times we had smaller litters, that didn't seem to thrive, the price was high. Do you know today, hog market prices are not that much different than they were thirty years ago? You can bet your bottom dollar that unless you grew your own corn, that feeding a hog costs more today! And it certainly costs more to produce a bushel of corn to feed that hog than it did thirty years ago. That is all I'll say about that, this isn't about the farm crisis or political agendas!
Our children always had hog projects in 4-H. They also had lambs to show and we even fed steers a couple years. When my children were in their young teens we started taking horse riding to the next level and competing in competitive trail riding. When this happened it also changed our trucking needs. As it was, when we took hogs to market, we used a cattle truck with a ramp and side rails to load the hogs. It was always a struggle to get hogs to climb that ramp. They had never done anything but walk on level ground, who would think they would want to climb a ramp into a truck. Things changed when we got the stock trailer.
Now I must say I took a different approach to loading hogs than my husband would. Only because he was strong enough to "handle" them and my way of doing it is to let them all out and they would be curious enough to jump in and out of the trailer without any assistance. Then I would slowly sort the smaller hogs back into their pen and leave the 220 lb hogs to explore the isle way and trailer. This worked most of the time. Every once in a while a hog that needed to be in the trailer would slip back into the pen with the smaller one and I'd have to start again. Sometimes this process took an hour or more, amazing how easy it was if you were patient!
When we first got the 16ft. trailer and I had to haul horses, I was terrified about having to back it up into a camping spot. I'm sure you have all heard the line, "practice, practice, practice"? I had to learn. Richard wasn't going to be there every time I needed to back the trailer. I learned by trying to put the trailer in it's home parking spot one day and ended up backing and pulling forward the entire counter clockwise circle in our barnyard before I got the trailer in it's place. I would have learned nothing if someone would have been there helping me, I had to do it to learn it! Of course, I may have mentioned before, men who help don't share the hand signals with women. It is impossible to interpert what their hands want you to do through a mirror, IMPOSSIBLE!
I don't know if I've ever backed a trailer so perfectly! Pulled up only one time and put it squarely flush to the gate! I got out and the man said, "I guess this isn't the first time you have backed a trailer." I could only smile............
--Of course, I may have mentioned before, men who help don't share the hand signals with women. It is impossible to interpert what their hands want you to do through a mirror, IMPOSSIBLE!
ReplyDeleteLOL! I've never figured out what that windshield wiper dance my husband does means! The only signal of his that I understand is the "Oh S---! Stop NOW!"
My backing performance is much better when I do it alone.