We had the most difficult time picking a boys name, I found it profoundly important that it fit with the paternal family's first name of James. There was James Ray, James Wilfred, and his father is James Richard McDonald. The pressure was on, our first major decision regarding the birth of our first child. There were several names on the list of boys and girls names, we didn't know ahead of time like they know now. Interesting it was only after he was born that the name James Ryan came to me. It was unexpected, I didn't know where this name came from, but it was there and I knew it was his. Today, I would say the "spirit" gave me this name.
Ryan, was the most wonderful baby,he was very happy, he took naps easily, when we put him to bed at night he went to sleep with little or no crying. He could drink a milkshake from a straw before he was three. He loved music and could keep perfect rhythm, I can still see him standing in our little yellow Chevy truck dancing to John Denver's "Thank God I'm a Country Boy"! Ryan was a thumb sucker and at the age of seven we worried he would never stop, he did. Ryan didn't talk like babies and toddlers do, he communicated by pointing and he trained us well. His first word was on his third birthday and he said, "pumpkin" because he got a pumpkin for his birthday. My Dad was so stunned he said, "Well, you little bullshit". Ryan's second word was "bullshit". (Truly, it is what happened.) Ryan didn't stop talking after that and we were sure he had decided not to talk until he could talk perfectly.
Ryan grew up being very wise, he knew exactly how to push my buttons and nothing has changed, even today. He is the best son parents could ask for. He talks to his Dad every single day. He checks in on me if Richard is out of town. Ryan is always willing to help with any projects like setting up the tipi lodge or maybe helping his Dad work to repair a tractor or truck. Ryan is a great Dad of two sweet girls and is a good husband to Tere.
In third grade Ryan tried out for his first year of Little League. All of the Dads of other kids were scouting the "new kids" for Pee Wee Football in the fall. They all came over to check with me to see if he was going to try out for football. He did tryout and played football and loved it! Ryan was in 4-H, taking many projects over the years and even won a colt from the Bob Evans Farms in Rio Grande, Ohio.
Ryan went to the Greene County Career Center and took a welding course. He was employed before graduating and has had the same employer since, that has been 20 years ago. He is a welder and has worked as a CNC Machining Operator. Ryan's ability to figure thing out had given him the chance to be in on some developmental work for the company. The company, Elano, specializes in building aircraft engine components.
Ryan is a guys, guy. He always has a joke to share, a great smile and a good handshake. Ryan would give you the shirt off his back, if you needed that shirt. Ryan is like his Dad, always willing to help another in a time of need. He also is very involved in his daughters activities, going to soccer games and school concerts, he sits in a classroom on Breakfast with Dad's day and he will also be seen taking the girls to the Doctors office if necessary. We are so proud how our first born has grown up. He is a awesome guy and I love him with all my heart. Happy 38th Birthday Ryan. Love and hugs!!!!!!!!
Photo: Ryan just recently purchased himself a little toy for his birthday,
oh, the boys and their toys.....
Geez Cindy. You're making me feel old. How could Ryan possibly be 38?