Oh, I could go back to sleep, I am still foggy, I haven't really opened my eyes, except maybe to squint at the red numbers on the clock. Dreams are easier to remember when they come right before really waking for the day. I love the in between times, when the veil of sleep hasn't quite lifted, magical things can happen then.
The thing is I don't want to get out of bed, it is still dark, sunrise is later now that it's October. I don't like getting out of my warm bed, especially when I'm first wake up. I don't like getting up when there is no activity in the house, the dogs are still sleeping, no coffee is brewing. It is a peaceful time, I don't want to turn on the lights, they seem so harsh and bright. I will move around in the dark house, hoping to come awake like the sun rising, just a little at a time. I want my senses to notice the quite time before dawn, before I can really begin the day. I lay listening to the sounds of this early morning before dawn. Night sounds, crickets are all that interrupt the quite darkness. No birds are singing this early, it is fall after all. If it were spring, even in the darkness they would have started their morning songs. As I lay there in my warm bed, I feel the coolness coming in the open window, I know I will be chilly when I get out of bed, why would I want to get up so early? I can't seem to quite my thoughts and finally, I get out of bed.
So this morning I sit at the computer, the light of the screen is the only light on, coffee is brewing, the little dogs are following me around the dark house wondering why we are up so early. I am writing this blog because when I lay in bed, I wondered what makes me not want to be the first one up. I love mornings, I am most productive in the mornings. I remember as a kid, I didn't like getting up until I heard others moving about. For some reason rising before the sun just seems unnatural to me. Let the sun be up and I can jump out of bed and get on with the day, it is not a problem. I cherish this quite time before dawn. It is just after 6 AM and I am up. Now if I can just talk myself into turning on the lights and getting ready for 9:30 AM flute circle. It's going to be a great day.
It's going to be a great day. I wish I were with you in your flute circle. My day here is just before 6 AM too, at the far western edge of the continent. It's dark and silent. The computer screen is glowing. That means it is about 9 AM there and the first flutes are coming up the drive in Ohio. Here, in the Northwest, out the window the lights of the ferry glide by on the morning run across the Sound. I hear a few gulls starting up (our version of crickets). Time to get the coffee going and say Thank You to the Mother and the Grandmothers for another beautiful day.