Meandering Thoughts

Meandering Thoughts

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

More Strange Things

2005 was the first year for our tipi to sit in the horse pasture.  Fall came and the November full moon.  I knew the tipi was going to come down soon.  The full moon afforded a chance to get some great pictures of the tipi lodge and the full moon.  I took our three wheeler out with a little hay for the horses, I was hoping they would like to be in the picture with the tipi and the full moon.  I took an entire roll of film while out there, I wanted to have them developed the next day when I took another roll of film to be processed.  I remember how very cold it was and took pictures very quickly, one after the other, only a move to one side of the tipi to the other.  Sometimes the camera didn't have time to recover and would not flash for the next shot. 

The pictures I am posting are just a few from the roll.  One picture would show something and the next would show nothing.  What appears to be smoke from a campfire is NOT.  There was no campfire.  The little white dot in the sky is the full moon.  The hay lays untouched by the horses, oh, they came to see what I was up to and were slightly interested in the hay.  They quickly changed their minds and snorted big time and raced back to the barn.  My horses are not afraid of camera flashes, they think they are poster horses for some horse magazine because of all the pictures I've taken of them.  I can tell you it was very cold out there that night.  The one that looks like my thumb is in the picture, it is not my thumb.......
When I had the pictures developed and looked at them before walking away from the counter, I called the clerk back and ask her what happened to my pictures!  She looked at them, looked at me and took them to her fellow worker.  They both looked at the pictures and came back to me.  She said, "I don't know what is in your pictures, it is nothing we did, but we know what is on the negative will be developed as shown." 

Many people have seen these pictures, no one has an answer as to what was there that night at the tipi.

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